Accelerating to Zero partnerships

CAGBC’s Accelerating to Zero Learning Resources offer both in-person and online/on-demand options for exploring the critical issues needed to get Canada’s buildings to net-zero carbon emissions. Transitioning to a zero-carbon future requires all buildings reach zero emissions by 2050. Developers, asset managers, designers, and governments must emphasize decarbonization in their long-term design planning, pursue deep carbon retrofit projects and prioritize portfolio-wide transitions. Accelerating to Zero 2023 explores the essential elements that chart this journey to decarbonization zero through a series of high-visibility events, conversations, and in-person learning workshops.

Partnership packages

National Accelerating to Zero Title Partner


Value $20,000
Number of events: 16

Align your brand with the entire Accelerating to Zero program and position your company as Canada’s zero-carbon champion. Your support will help drive the adoption of zero carbon building principles and put the built environment on the path to zero.

Leadership Opportunities
  • Co-develop and participate in one webinar session (present and/or panel) OR be involved in one Zero Carbon Best Practices Exchange session
  • Concierge Service to assist your staff with attendance
Exposure and Reach
  • Title Partner recognition at all sessions
  • Primary logo placement (+ link) on all program and series promotions, sponsor slide, and on each registration page
  • One (1) related success story in CAGBC newsletter
  • Logo (+ link) on the Accelerating to Zero webpage
  • Recognition and sponsor mention in CAGBC newsletter articles relating to the program
  • Social media amplification for all program sessions
  • Four (4) complimentary registrations to each live webinar and exchange session
  • One (1) complimentary registration for each mobile learning event
  • Four (4) complimentary access codes to all A to Z session recordings on the CAGBC on-demand learning platform

Accelerating to Zero Online

The Accelerating to Zero Webinar Series explores critical issues needed to get to zero. Leaders from across Canada will share their experiences, highlight cutting-edge strategies, and shine a spotlight on emerging solutions to quickly drive down emissions.

A to Z Webinar Title Partner


Value $8,000
Number of events: 4

Leadership Opportunities
  • Welcome attendees to each webinar (4)
  • Co-develop and/or participate in (present and/or panel) one (1) session
Exposure and Reach
  • Partner recognition at all webinars
  • Logo placement (+ link) on all webinar promotions, sponsor slide and on each registration page
  • Logo (+ link) on the Accelerating to Zero webpage
  • Recognition in the CAGBC newsletter articles relating to the webinars
  • Social media amplification for all webinars
  • Four (4) complimentary registrations to each live webinar
  • Four (4) complimentary access codes to each webinar session recording on the CAGBC on-demand learning platform

A to Z Individual Session Partner


Two per session
Value $3,000
Number of events: 1

Leadership Opportunities
  • Co-develop and/or participate in (present and/or panel) one (1) session
Exposure and Reach
  • Partner recognition at sponsored session
  • Logo placement (+ link) on sponsored session promotions, sponsor slide and on session registration page
  • Logo (+ link) on the Accelerating to Zero webpage
  • Recognition in the CAGBC newsletter articles relating to the sponsored webinar
  • Social media amplification for sponsored webinar
  • Four (4) complimentary registrations to live sponsored webinar
  • Two (2) complimentary access codes to the  sponsored webinar session recording on the CAGBC on-demand learning platform 

Accelerating to Zero Mobile Learning

CAGBC delivers learning workshops to building professionals across the country. These four unique in-person events combine an in-person half-day workshop (lunch included), led by a live instructor with a focus on CAGBC’s Zero Carbon Building Standards. After the workshop, a local building tour will allow the participants to experience a zero-carbon building firsthand. We’ll close out the day with an in-person local networking event open to workshop participants and other members of the local green building community.

A to Z Mobile Learning Title Partner


Value $8,000
Number of events: 4

Align your brand with zero carbon learning and help support the development of zero carbon skills, know-how and best practices. As a top-level partner, you will have direct exposure to all workshop participants and to the broader green building community.

Leadership Opportunities
  • Company announced as partner at each workshop (includes CAGBC partner introduction / read – script to be confirmed with partner)  
  • Brand alignment with each workshop
Exposure and Reach
  • Recognition at all four (4) sessions
  • Primary logo placement (+ link) on all series promotions, session material, each registration page and venue signage
  • One related success story in CAGBC newsletter
  • Logo (+ link) on the Accelerating to Zero webpage
  • Recognition in CAGBC newsletter articles relating to all four (4) sessions
  • Social media amplification for all sessions
  • One (1) complimentary registration to each workshop
  • Four (4) complimentary passes to each networking event

A to Z Mobile Learning Networking Event Sponsor


Multiple per region
Value $2,000
Number of events: 1 per region

Leadership Opportunities
  • Company announced as sponsor at the chosen regional networking event (includes CAGBC sponsor introduction / “read” – script to be confirmed with sponsor)
  • Brand alignment with the regional networking event of your choice
Exposure and Reach
  • Recognition at sponsored event
  • Logo placement (+ link) on sponsored session promotions, session material, session registration page and networking venue signage
  • Logo (+ link) on the Accelerating to Zero webpage
  • Social media amplification for sponsored event
  • Two (2) complimentary registrations to the chosen networking event

Accelerating to Zero Carbon Best Practices Exchange

Throughout 2023, CAGBC will host eight (8) virtual and interactive sessions that invite meaningful discussion around the innovative solutions and technologies needed to advance Canada along its path to a zero-carbon future. Each session will be conducted as an Ask-the-Expert interview featuring a leading subject matter expert, tackling the technical and market challenges inherent in the design, construction, and management of zero carbon buildings. Audience members will be invited to contribute through interactive chat features. Each session will be recorded and made available as an on-demand session through CAGBC’s learning platform.

Zero Carbon Best Practices Title Partner


Value $12,500
Number of events: 8

Align your brand with the entire Zero Carbon Best Practices program and be at the forefront as a leading zero carbon building solutions innovator. This opportunity includes leading your own best practices session as well as brand alignment and multi-faceted exposure throughout the entire annual program.

Leadership Opportunities
  • Company announced as Title Partner at each Zero Carbon Best Practices session
  • Co-develop and participate in (present and/or panel) one (1) Zero Carbon Best Practices Exchange session
  • Opportunity to contribute an article to CAGBC member newsletter / blog post on a selected zero-carbon related topic
Exposure and Reach
  • Title Partner recognition at all Zero Carbon Best Practices sessions
  • Logo placement (+ link) on all session promotions, session material and on each registration page
  • Logo (+ link) on the CAGBC Accelerating to Zero webpage
  • Recognition in CAGBC member newsletter articles relating to the sessions
  • Social media amplification for all sessions
  • Sessions added to CAGBC’s online learning platform
  • Four (4) complimentary registrations to each live session

Zero Carbon Best Practices Session Sponsor


Value $3,000
Number of events: 1

Opportunity to take the spotlight as the featured topic expert during a 45-to-60-minute online forum and engage virtually with CAGBC members from across the country. Content (subject to approval) is your choice within the approved topic – highlight new trends, showcase project successes, explore an emerging technology and more.

Leadership Opportunities
  • Company announced as sponsor at sponsored session
  • Brand alignment with a topic of your choice
Exposure and Reach
  • Sponsor recognition at sponsored session
  • Logo placement (+ link) on sponsored session promotions, session material and registration page
  • Logo (+ link) on the Accelerating to Zero webpage
  • Recognition in CAGBC member newsletter articles relating to the sponsored session
  • Social media amplification for sponsored session
  • Session added to CAGBC’s online learning platform CAGBC
  • Two (2) complimentary registrations to sponsored live session