Life-cycle Cost Calculator

The purpose of this workbook is to provide a financial analysis tool that can be used to evaluate the viability of carbon reduction projects. All applicants who rely on onsite combustion of fuels must provide a transition plan to demonstrate how the building will decarbonize in the future, showing that they have considered appropriate building design or retrofit measures. A transition plan must be accompanied by this financial analysis tool.

More Technical Resources

What’s new in ZCB–Design v4

The Zero Carbon Building – Design Standard™ v4 (ZCB-Design) was released in June…
July 10, 2024

ZCB-Design v4 Energy Modelling Guidelines

This document provides supplemental guidance for energy modelling professionals preparing energy models to…
June 4, 2024

ZCB-Design v4 Workbook

In support of the Zero Carbon Building – Design Standard v4 this workbook…
June 4, 2024

ZCB-Design Standard v4

The Zero Carbon Building – Design Standard v4 (ZCB-Design v4) is a one-time…
June 4, 2024