Embodied Carbon: A primer for buildings in Canada

This document provides the building sector with the information needed to understand embodied carbon and address it in new and existing buildings. Canada’s building sector can already design buildings that operate without operational carbon emissions and several examples exist from the Canada Green Building Council’s (CAGBC) Zero Carbon Building Program. However, addressing embodied carbon is a significant challenge, and more work remains.

Latest News

Advancing zero carbon through transition planning

The Building Lasting Change (BLC) conference saw CAGBC emphasize transition planning as an industry priority.…
July 15, 2024

Updates to the Greening Government Strategy at BLC

One of the highlights of Building Lasting Change (BLC) was the participation of the Honourable…
July 12, 2024

New building type identifiers roll out in CAGBC database

Are you a data nerd? Do you enjoy analyzing CAGBC certification data for…
July 11, 2024

Updated Zero Carbon Workbooks

CAGBC has posted the updated Zero Carbon Building – Performance v2 Workbook and…
July 8, 2024

Latest Reports

Building Our Future: A Low-Carbon Training Strategy For The Trades

Building Our Future: A Low-Carbon Training Strategy for the Trades is a workforce…
April 3, 2024

Full Disclosure: Real Estate’s Climate Leadership in action

In the absence of consistent requirements and support for building performance data disclosure…
October 26, 2022

Green Retrofit Economy Study

CAGBC and the Delphi Group‘s new study, Green Retrofit Economy Study profiles key…
June 2, 2022

Embodied Carbon: A primer for buildings in Canada

This document provides the building sector with the information needed to understand embodied…
March 23, 2022