LEED O+M Performance Scores when you have unoccupied space

Green Building Team on July 27, 2023

Rating System/Standard
LEED v4.1
Certification updates

A significant number of LEED v4.1 O+M and LEED Recertification projects continue to submit for review in 2023, and many of those buildings remain partially unoccupied. Projects should pay special attention to the following items to ensure Arc reflects accurate Performance Scores and avoid surprises during certification review.

  1. Occupancy fluctuations should be recorded regularly on the Building Settings tab in Arc, ensuring the most recent occupancy value entered is accurate. The project occupancy heavily impacts the Performance Scores Arc will generate, specifically for Energy Performance, Water Performance, and Waste Performance. The occupancy value associated with the last day of the reporting period will be used in all performance score calculations.

  2. Telecommuters can no longer be tallied up by tenant and added to the project by contacting the Arc team, as was permitted in the COVID-19 Guidance which has retired. Occupants which are following a hybrid work model may complete the transportation survey indicating the various methods of travel used in a typical week, including telecommuting. Teams should ensure the survey is conducted in such a way to engage building occupants who may be telecommuting, for example by email.

  3. Indoor air quality testing must be completed in the occupied areas of the building that are most representative of the entire project. TVOC measurements taken in unoccupied spaces may be included in the Arc Data Template in addition to occupied spaces, however CO2 measurements from unoccupied spaces must be removed from calculations determining the final CO2 value that will be entered in Arc.

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