Partners in advancing sustainability
Corporate sponsors are an important part of our work. This on-going support helps CAGBC influence the direction of the building sector, deliver high quality events and learning, and grow demand for green building services, products, and spaces.
Showcase your sustainability leadership. Align with the critical issues advancing green building and inspire other to pursue the decarbonization of Canada’s built environment by becoming a CAGBC sponsor.
Building Lasting Change
CAGBC’s annual conference Building Lasting Change attracts attendees from every segment of the green building sector. BLC returns to Vancouver June 18-20, 2025.
Accelerating to Zero
Accelerating to Zero explores essential elements in the transition to zero carbon buildings through a series of online panels on key topic areas, individual webinars on low-carbon best practices, and in-person technical workshops and networking events.
CAGBC Awards
The CAGBC Awards recognize the people, teams and projects responsible for advancing green building and furthering CAGBC’s mission.
Learning, Research
& Issues
CAGBC plays a catalyzing role in advancing national issues to define a roadmap for the future of green buildings. Become a champion by supporting CAGBC’s on-going work in continuous learning and research.
National Corporate Sponsors
Receive high-visibility exposure across CAGBC programs and initiatives.